Bankruptcy Law

Our team of lawyers devotes particular attention to bankruptcy law and corporate restructuring allowing, in light of the experience gained in several fields of expertise (corporate, contract, litigation, labor), to act in a coordinated manner in order to better protect our customers’ needs.

The Firm provides its professional activity, even on entrustment by the Judicial Authority, in the area of insolvency proceedings of businesses, by assisting the authorities and bankruptcy commissioners in the conduct of insolvency procedures and corporate restructuring, as well as by advising customers interested in acquiring companies or assets in the context of these proceedings.

The firm provides legal assistance in order to identify the technical means in relation to the proposals addressed to all the creditors, and to the negotiation and conclusion of agreements in its support (sale of businesses, shareholdings and estates; lay off and unemployment benefits (“Cassa Integrazione”); other consequences of bankruptcy on labor relations; etc.).

Moreover, our clients are assisted on legal issues related to:

  • recovery plans pursuant to art. 67 of the Italian “Legge Fallimentare”;
  • the drafting of various petitions and documents inherent to the restructuring agreements pursuant to art. 182-bis of the Italian “Legge Fallimentare”;
  • the studying of all matters preliminary to the instance of an arrangement with creditors (division into classes, business lease, so-called “Group-arrangements with creditors”, etc.).